Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Family update...

I've been super busy lately finishing up my kiddos Christmas gifts. I can't wait to get more space on my computer so I can post a few pictures. Until then here's a list of the things I made the kids for Christmas.


Stuffed sock Cat.
make-up brush roll-up.
Closet door organizer.
pencil roll-up.
two purses
a crochet hat

Stuffed sock Frog
Crayon roll-up
Matchbox car play mat with drawstring to turn it into a bag.
drawstring bag for his DS

Stuffed Sock Monkey
Crayon Roll-up
Door hanging puppet theater with 5 handmade paper mache puppets.
Drawstring bag for her DS

Car play mat that rolls up.
Cardigan I crocheted
Cloth shoes- skull and cross-bones.

Christmas was great and we are looking forward to 2010!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Our Summer.

Now that I've had a few minutes to relax I can update this blog about our summer events.

First would be we planted our garden and minus the dear (ARGH!) we did pretty good. Squash, cucumber, corn, sweet potatoes, beans, banana peppers, and bell peppers.

Here's a picture of our first reward!

Annie played all-stars in the 6 and under softball league.

We went to St. Simon's and it was heaven!

As the school year is starting there are so many things I'll be starting. I'm secretary on the board of my children's PTA. I am on the board of the softball park. I am coaching again. We will be starting girl scouts and boys scouts back up and Danielle and I are going to try out for community theater. I am also tutoring two home-schooled girls during the day to bring in some extra income. So many things this year! I love staying busy, I guess that means I'm going to be VERY happy this year! lol

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's been so long!

Well, summer is over and school is back on! We had a lot of fun this summer. We mainly stayed home (though we did take a weekend trip to the beach right before school started and it was just what we all needed to recharge our tired batteries.

This summer I started making clothes for the kids. I started with repairing the clothes they had that had holes in it and stains. Covering stains, making shorts or capri shorts. Then I moved on to making skirts from them. Then I added some cute fabric to the bottom of a couple of them. Then I found this beautiful tutorial on a market skirt (Thank you fellow blogger Dana made it!!) and I made a few of them! I plan to make much more for the girls and then do some reverse aplique shirts for the boys. I want to see if I can make shorts and things for them without it looking too "mama made it for me." lol

Here are a couple of pictures of the things I made:

The market skirts I made (I plan to make more! I'll post a picture as soon as I do)

This is my original creation (well, I didn't follow a pattern or anything).

After looking at them a few days I have decided I don't like the length and I plan to shorten them.

Well that's all I have pictures of now! I'll post more later!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I am starting my in-home day care again!

I will be running an in-home daycare again starting asap! I am also going to have Summer Camp activities for School Aged kids! It's going to be a lot of fun! I'm getting my house and yard set up to do this! I have a lot to do, but I needed to get the pool landscaped anyway. YAY!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Latest videos...

Danielle is thirteen and she isn't the "typical" teenager. She is sweet and innocent and we love her VERY much!

Please ignore the fact that Max is not wearing his seatbelt. That is truly unusual.

Teddy and Danielle playing. Danielle is so sweet to her little brother!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Summer's coming!

My kids activities are coming to an end and school is almost over. What will we do with all our time??? There are a lot of things I'd like to do this summer:

1) We are going to have a large garden-
I'd like to learn to preserve and can our harvest.

2) We need to chop lots of wood for next winter.

3) I want to get chickens and goats.

4) We are opening our pool up and I want the kids to have FUN this year and teach Alex and Annie to swim!

5) I want to have kind of a summer camp type summer. Lots of swimming, playing at the park, arts & crafts, etc.

Looking forward to the fun!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

My newest endeavor.

I'm going to learn to quilt! Not just quilt, but make beautiful quilted wall hangings! Scenery's and portraits. Before I get ahead of myself, though, I must learn to quilt! lol

I'm working on one today! cross your fingers!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My latest crafts...

These are some of my latest craft projects! 

Well, I guess I should start blogging more often!

It's been a long time since I have blogged. My last blog was the announcement that we were pregnant! Well, we went through an entire pregnancy since then and my son Teddy (Theodore Charles) is now 5 months old! I promise to blog more often, and have much more interesting things to say! 
