Thursday, February 24, 2011

Girl Scouts- Why I Lead.

I have been my daughter's Girl Scout leader for 4 years now. It has been the most wonderful experience and the best opportunity that I can find to teach things like: growing up (facing the issues of girlhood), being a sister to your fellow Girl Scout, honesty, fairness, courage, and integrity. These are all things that I strive to incorporate in all my meetings and lessons. I want my daughter and the rest of my troop to be citizens that give back to their community. I want to see girls that grow up and become an asset to this country! I am seeing so much more than that. We had a girl that was so shy we couldn't even get her to speak up at a meeting. Now my troop is putting together a Mother-Daughter Tea with the girl who wouldn't speak now being the spokes person for the whole event! I have girls that were scared to take a small hike around the lake to camping in tents and cabins in the woods! We've donated our time, food, and other items to the local community throughout our time as scouts. We've sold cook I am seeing bright, beautiful, unique little girls grow up- it makes me proud.

I can't wait to see what kind of experiences we will have as a troop next!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Art of Being Happy...

What is the secret to happiness? Is it love? Is it financial security? Do the circumstances of your life define your happiness? Can you have happiness when your life is not going the way you planned, or even not going well at all? I think so...

I think happiness comes from within. I think the source of happiness is different for everyone. No matter what makes you happy, or where you get the drive to smile and laugh through life- it all comes from deep inside everyone. It's not just money, love, or family that makes someone happy. If that were true there wouldn't be so many antidepressants on the market today. 

I think that all of these medications have given the impression that people cannot be happy without them. I am speaking from experience here. As I grew older, and my life began to get more difficult, I was finding it harder and harder to be happy about life. I began to seek happiness through prescription medication. I went through a few years of taking several antidepressants with horrible side affects. I gained a lot of weight, had nightmares, and even got MORE depressed while trying to find just the right pill. Well, after several tries I decided to take a more natural path. I did so through being a mother- my daughter found joy and excitement in the simple things. I figured out the secret while watching her find so much joy in drawing pictures on the driveway, playing dress up, dancing to music, and playing tea-party with her stuffed animals.

 It was all in my mind. I knew that if I looked at life a certain way that I could find the beauty in it- and I did! So many things in this life are beautiful, and focusing on the beautiful things every day can really help make you a happier person. 

1) The people you love can really help to make you a happier person. Friends and family are what makes things more enjoyable. Nurturing those relationships in a positive way is very important. Spend your time with them wisely. Laugh and play as much as you can. When you are feeling down, take a break with someone and remind yourself what you have to be happy about! Take your family on a drive through town, or take a walk in your neighborhood. A few minutes of redirection can make a huge difference in your relationship.

 2) Read a good book. Sometimes life can get too stressful and an escape is needed. With the economy in such a terrible state it is impossible for many of us to escape to the Bahamas. That doesn't mean you can't get away for a few hours! A good book can take you anywhere- even out of this world! 

3) Listen to music. Music can make all the difference when you've had a stressful day. It has been proven that music has instant and long-term effects on the brain and the body. A sad tune can release much-needed tears and emotions that may be blocking your ability to cope with unrelated stress. Music can inspire a person to dance, which can only be good for your body! So, go ahead- rock out!

4) Create something! Human beings have an innate desire to create. From early man cave drawings to the art you see today- humans have created wonderful things. There are so many ways you can create. You can paint, draw, sculpt, craft, write, act, or make music. There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment that you get after completing a project. There are other wonderful effects as well. the body always wants to be moving and working, the mind will always be thinking and if you do not spend your time creating- your mind will dwell on the negative thoughts. Also, you can use your life experience while creating which can be very cleansing. Most of the time you will not even realize that your brain is purging itself- replacing negative thoughts with creative thoughts. Your mind doesn't have time to think about being unhappy. 

5) Try something new! Sometimes life can be mundane. This is often the root of unhappiness. Humans love routine, but we also thrive on new experiences. Instead of taking your normal route to work, try a new way! Try a new recipe for dinner. Learn a new skill. Take up a new hobby. Sometimes doing things a little differently is all we need to make a boring day a little more exciting. 

6) Help others! Sometimes seeing the needs of others, and helping to fill the need, can boost your own happiness. Even if your own need is great, helping your community will give you a purpose. Humans are always in search of the meaning of life. I think being a part of a community means helping others.You may even find a way to improve your own circumstances simply by being an active part of your community. There are many ways you can help. Just visit a neighbor that lives alone, donate food to your local church pantry, volunteer your time at a nursing home, lead a scout troop, or volunteer to be a little league coach. Many of these things can help you by boosting your moral and giving you purpose. 

 Happiness is not something that just comes to someone. We have to make it happen. We make our own happiness. It's an ongoing journey, not a destination. 

What are your secrets to happiness?

Monday, February 7, 2011

I love bedtime...

There are so many reasons why bedtime is my favorite time of the day. Well, honestly it's the hour before I go to bed. My husband and I get to sit and talk. We can talk about our plans or just how our day went. There are no interuptions from a child in need or phone calls. It's just my husband and I hanging out.

Often times we talk about our day or maybe spend a quiet moment reading next to each other. I enjoy his company so much. We don't always have long, meaningful conversations- sometimes we don't talk at all. Just being together is so comforting.

When the day has been stressful, kids are finally in bed, the dogs are in for the night, and all the worries are put aside for the night it is then that I realize what the future will be like. I never have to wonder how life alone with my husband will be. I know that every day will be like those short moments I get to spend with him before bedtime.

What is YOUR favorite time of the day?
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

My favorite things in life are...

Everyone has a different view on life. What is the meaning of life to you? What do you enjoy about your own life? So often we humans tend to look at life with a negative point of view. Life is hard- the economy is failing. My children are misbehaving. The housework is never ending. If we allow ourselves to think this way we can find something to complain about everywhere!
Well, I've been working on my positive outlook on life. It's been an interesting process. I am looking at things in such a different way now. Instead of getting upset that it has taken 2 hours to teach my children long division, I will delight in the moment that their eyes light up because they GET IT now and I can delight in the thought that I helped them get there. So, along with that line of thought I'd like to share with you, in pictures and descriptions, what MY favorite things in life are:
Some of my favorite things in life are holidays with my children. Making every day a memory and creating traditions with each passing day. My children will not be the only ones who will look back on family holidays with warm and fuzzy memories. I love every minute I get to share with them! 
Listening to my children read: Many hours are spent reading to my children each night before bed. It is a family tradition. We all pick out a chapter book and each night before bed we take turns reading aloud in our book. We laughed and cried over many stories together. Now that they are older my children have taken their own path in the world of books. I cannot express the wonderful feeling of pride when I see or hear my children reading. Reading alone or with my children is one of my ultimate favorite things! I love that my children enjoy the magic that is found in a book as much as I do! 
Sharing a snack with my family: This may seem like a simple concept, and it is! Some of the most enjoyable things in life are very simple. I love sharing a snack with my family. 
Creating things. I love to create through drawing, sewing, crochet, knitting, and many other things! I love to express myself in this way. It's cathartic. 
Another thing I really enjoy is leading children. I have been a Girl Scout leader for 4 years now and I love every minute of it! I have also been a softball coach and a Cub Scout Den leader. I feel so blessed to be where I am today- healthy and full of love and spirit. My childhood was very painful and  that has been difficult for me to overcome. I was able to gain strength from my spirit of love and innocence. My innocence was something I was able to maintain- even during that terrible time. Simplicity is the key to happiness and survival. At least it was the key for me. I hope to take that spirit of simplicity and pass that on to my children and all the children I lead.
Max is one of the most amazing men that I have ever met. I love him and take so much joy in being his wife. Sharing my life with him is one of my favorite things about life. We have a special marriage. He makes me laugh, he supports me, he encourages me- he is wonderful. The best is yet to come!

These are just a few of my favorite things...I'd love to hear from you! What are your favorite things in life?

Dreamhost sale

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Keyhole Scarf progress...

The progress on my keyhole scarf has been a bit slow. I've had a super-busy weekend with spring season starting for my ball players and everything else we've been up to this weekend. I hope to finish it soon!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I have a new project! The Keyhole Scarf. I really love this yarn. It's made by Blue Sky Alpacas. This is their Brushed Suri yarn- the color I chose is Lollipop. The pattern was designed by Kim Hamlin. This will be my first time attempting to follow a pattern, so wish me luck!

Note about the yarn:

Weight: 50 grams
Approx: 142 yards / 130 meters
Needle Size: 4-11 US / 3/5-8 mm
Gauge: 3.5-6 stitches per inch
* A suggested gauge only. Works beautifully with large or small needles.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rambling Tuesday...

I homeschool my third graders, Alex and Annie. They have a blog also- check them out!

They are really great kids. I love their blogs because it's a look into each of their minds and hearts-even if it's just a few lines or a video of them rambling on. That's just how they are feeling, and I always want to know how they are feeling.

For a little over a year my kids have been at home with me. I love having this rare opportunity to spend sharing my knowledge with them and exploring new areas of study together. I used a curriculum based on the state standards last year, but this year we started a new school online. This will be the last year we attend this school. The curriculum is wonderful, but many of the things that I didn't like about the public schools are the same with this school- only coming directly into my home rather than at the school down the street. So, next year I will be using Abeka's curriculum along with the local co-op for Spanish, art, P.E., and other extra curricular interests.

My children are so unique and need different learning paths. Not only different than the way they learn in public school, but also very different from each other. This is why I home school. I also homeschool because I believe in totally different values than what they teach in school. I also really enjoy it. This time with my children is precious and before long they will be grown up with families of their own.

I want each of my children to remember their childhood and their time at home with fondness. I want their lives here to be full of love and direction. I want to teach them NOW about setting goals, working hard, reaching for the stars. It's never too early to figure out what you want, or just explore all your options in the peace of your home. My children will know that whatever they choose to do, they will not only get support from me emotionally, but I will be right along with them while they explore, learn, and grow. This is what my life is all about! I am so excited to see how they grow and change. I cannot wait to see what they become. All four of my kids are precious, special, and destined to meet their goals- whatever they may be!

My oldest is in public school. She desires to go to high school with her peers and get the high school experience. This is something she feels she needs to do. Though it's not what I want for her, I will support her and guide her through her experience. As long as she keeps her goals as her priority, I hope she gets everything she wants from high school! I know she will make a difference in the lives of the people around her. She has made such a difference in my life!